URGENT; IMMEDIATE ACTION NEEDED: Senate Bill 915 (S.915) could still pass this session. The South Carolina General Assembly is meeting for a special session, and it could pass this dangerous bill as soon as tomorrow.  The bill already passed the Senate by a 44-1 vote, and the House by a 98-15 vote, but was stopped on the last day of the regular session. Governor Henry McMaster and South Carolina’s legislative leadership are determined to enact this dangerous bill.

S.915 would consolidate six agencies under a single “health czar.” In addition to expanding government bureaucracy, the bill would place an enormous amount of power in the hands of one person. Furthermore, as originally introduced, the health czar even would have had power to commandeer local law enforcement and sheriffs.

State Representative Josiah Magnuson (R-Campobello), one of the legislators who opposed to the bill, released a statement explaining some of the reasons S.915 is dangerous: The massively unpopular "health czar" bill would have consolidated six state agencies under one unelected bureaucrat. The bill as passed by the House gave this "health czar" the power to order your sheriff to enforce quarantines and vaccine mandates. Despite being framed as a streamlining effort, the bill stated it would not cut any government positions, and the cost to taxpayers was unknown, so legislators were being asked to pass it to see what was in it! The bill was drafted by a partner group of the World Economic Forum and was steamrolled by House leadership who also refused to even give a hearing to any medical freedom bill. Though I support restructuring of DHEC and better communication for state agencies such as the Department of Mental Health, this bill was fatally flawed, and I believe we need to go back to the drawing board and consider it again next year with all voices at the table.

Please contact your state legislators, and urge them to oppose S. 915.

Thank you,

Your Friends in The John Birch Society  

Contact The John Birch Society: +1 (920) 749-3780