
This past Saturday Ted Czech (EC Ebenezer) and myself (EC LR3) were delegates to the 7th district convention held in Florence, in a School facility.  There is a very impressive Library across the street named Doctors Bruce and Lee Library.

It was the first time for both of us. There were 115 delegates present.  Early in the agenda this video was played about the 'Star Spangled Banner As You've Never Heard It.  It is pretty cool, check it out!  Click on Learn More below.

 Drew Mckissick, SC Republican Party chair, was there and gave a rousing short speech.  The agenda moved fairly rapidly.

Guest Speaker, Randolph Russell,  very good.  He sold several dozen books entitled,  "AMERICAN HISTORY IN NO TIME"  by himself.

5 people were voted to go to the RNC Convention. Jerry Rovner, Dreama Perdue ?, ?, ?

Adjourment & Chicken Gumbo served around Noon. 
Worth the trip,

Steve Ellis,

President, Little River Patriots

Source: WMBF   

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